Source: Stadtbezirksatlas 2015 on Vauban and Statistisches Jahrbuch 2017 of the city of Freiburg
Vauban in numbers | |
Total area of Vauban | 41,3 ha |
Built up area | 40,6 ha |
traffic area | 0,7 ha |
building | 373 |
Apartments | 2001 |
households | 2531 |
Total population | 5634 |
under 18 | 1413 |
Average age in years | 31.8 |
Dependency ratio (in%) | 29.9 |
Proportion of the elderly to the younger people (in%) | 16.9 |
Proportion of foreigners (in%) | 11.8 |
Proportion of Germans with a migration background (in%) | 8.2 |
Average length of stay at the address in years | 5.9 |
Employee share (in%) | 35.7 |
Unemployment rate (in%) | 2.1 |
Proportion of beneficiaries - Unemployment benefit I (in%) | 0.6 |
Share of Beneficiaries - Unemployment Benefit II (in%) | 3.5 |
Average number of apartments per apartment building | 5.7 |
Average living space per person in m² | 32.9 |
Average living space per apartment in m² | 92.5 |
Residents per apartment | 2.8 |
Private car per 1000 inhabitants | 183 |
Population density (inhabitants per hectare of populated area) | 136.5 |