Welcome to the privately run website stadtteil-vauban.de

In the former barracks area Vauban you live on the green outskirts of Freiburg, but at the same time urban and close to the city center. Vauban is a district of short distances. Many facilities such as Grocery stores, drugstore, farmers market, doctors, pharmacy or bike shop are within walking distance.

1 Im Stadtteilzentrum Vauban 037 e.V.
Quartiersarbeit Vauban, Stadtteilverein Vauban e.V., Büro Kinderabenteuerhof e.V., Ecpat e.V., Kita Wilde Mathilde, Restaurant Süden, AK Kunst Vauban, Familienzentrum Lindenblüte e.V., Regiowasser e.V., CO2 Abgabe e.V., JuKS Vauban | Treffpunkt für Kinder, Teenies und Jugendliche, Raum der Stille e.V., Verein für autofreies Wohnen e.V., Spielgruppe Tautropfen, Kirche im Vauban

Wohngenossenschaft Vauban, Genova 1, 3 Wohnen & Arbeiten, 4 Studentendorf Vauban5 Selbstorganisierte unabhängige Siedlungsinitiative (SUSI), 6 Karoline-Kaspar-Schule (Grundschule)7 Quartiersladen8 Wohngenossenschaft Vauban, Genova 29 Bennys Backwaren, 10 Vaubanaise11 Autofreigrundstück12 Gelände Kinderabenteuerhof13 Haus der Hörgeschädigten14 Kita Immergrün, 15 Kita Vauban, 16 Dienstleistungs-, Kunst-und Handwerkshaus Vauban (DIVA)17 Solarsiedlung Vauban, 18 Kindertagesstätte Wiesental, 19 Vauban Heizkraftwerk, 20 Villaban, 21 Amöbe, 22 WOGE e.V. – Wohngruppe für Menschen mit Demenz, 23 Kleehäuser, 24 Solargarage25 Glasgarage, 26 Kirche im Vauban & Freiburger Flüchtlings-Initiative St. Georgen – Vauban, 27 Bauernmarkt Mittwoch nachmittags, 28 Juks Vauban Spielgelände, 29 Zusammen Gärtnern

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Table: Overview of institutions in the district of Vauban

According to the traffic concept, the parking spaces in large areas may not be detected on their own property, but lie in two parking garages located on the edge of the district. Over 400 households in Vauban have meanwhile committed themselves to not operate their own car. The tram line 3 Vauban opens since May 2006, the new district with 3 stops. A car-sharing offer in Vauban that complements the good public transport regulations leaves little to be desired in terms of mobility. Thus, the number of cars per 1000 inhabitants in Vauban is about 180. For comparison: the national average is more than 500 cars per 1000 inhabitants. Living in Vauban means living in an urban, lively, car-poor, but child-friendly environment. Accordingly many young families with children moved to Vauban. Meanwhile, the attractiveness of the district is also increasingly recognized by older people who appreciate the proximity to young people. There are many meeting places in the district, the neighborhood shop, the church shop, the marketplace and, above all, probably the nation’s first self-governing district center. It is the seat of the civic association, the churches, a pub and numerous initiatives. Lectures, music, dance and culture as well as private parties take place in the event rooms. The center is located in one of the barracks buildings, which today still remember the history of the district. In a small business park on the northern edge of the district there is also a diverse range of courses, for example. on the topic of health as well as numerous smaller handicraft enterprises (Amöbe, DIVA, Villaban). Numerous green areas (“green clasps”) with different offers (for example, public oven, table tennis, climbing rocks, boules court) run through the district.


Some providers of district tours: